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Announce News Post #2488


Written by: Keroc
Date: Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey guys,

The long awaited vampire revamp is here and just in time for Christmas!
A very large number of alterations have been made to the class, so for
those of you deeply invested in Praenomen combat, I highly recommend
checking through the AB files in addition to reading the notes below.

As a part of these changes, we've decided to do away with the Hematurgy
skilset and merge a number of the more useful abilities into Sanguis.
You'll note that rituals are now absent from the vampire skillsets. This
is not a permanent change as rituals will be returning later in a
different form.

Finally, as Sanguis has been heavily modified, there will be no
specifics for it within this post. To learn about the skillset I highly
recommend reading each AB file (even for pre-existing skills) and
exploring them on your own. If you feel something isn't working like you
think it should, you can speak with one of the liaisons (LIAISON LIST
for current liaisons) for more information on the ability.

There also includes some extra changes that don't necessarily pertain to
Praenomen, but have been changed due to either bugs or internal
restructuring of code.

So without further do, you can find all non-Sanguis related changes

- Feed no longer acts as a writhe and is now a stand alone attack.
- Feed damage type changed from unblockable to cutting.
- Feed will now work on someone that is either prone or has at least
one physical affliction.
- The stun from Frenzy has been removed.
- Frenzy no longer has a chance to proc Clawing.
- Frenzy can now miss and can be dodged.
- Increased Frenzy damage for PvE slightly.
- Decreased Frenzy balance recovery to 3 seconds for PvP only, down
from 3.5.
- Increased the bleeding dealt by Clawing to 150, up from 100.
- Clawing now gives the rend affliction and grants some bonus
bleeding if they already have it.
- Clawing can now miss and can be dodged.
- Clawing has had its balance recovery increased to 4 seconds, up
from 2.5.
- Potence now increases the damage and speed of Clawing.
- Deadbreath now strips the fangbarrier defence and gives slickness.
- Deadbreath is now only prevented by paralysis or a damaged throat.
- Sunder will now break the shield defence 100% of the time.
- Removed Embrace and Sire from Corpus and placed them into Sanguis.
- Fitness has been removed.
- Purify now always cures two afflictions.
- You can now Feed while in Batform and use Clawing while in Wolfform.

- New Skill: Trill.
- You no longer need to DWHISPER for double afflictions, simply just
- Bloodsense has been removed.
- All effusions within Mentis has been removed.
- You can use Mesmerize with the command MESMERISE for those that
prefer the different spelling.

- Missing blood reserves now equates to a loss in natural healing
for all players.
* Missing 2% blood equates to a 1% reduction in natural healing.
* Natural healing affects all health regeneration from
elixirs/serums, moss/kidney, and regens.
- Losing all your blood now results in death for all players,
including vampires.
- Haemophilia will now increase blood reserve loss by 10%.
* This only applies to attacks that drain blood like Feed.
- Bonus blood reserves from the racial trait has been reduced to 20%,
down from 50%.
- Removed inherent resistances, weaknesses, and sip malus from
- Paths no longer grant any bonuses or maluses other then those
specified in AB SANGUIS PATH.
- Praenomen armour-class is now scalemail for all specializations.
- Typing BLOOD by itself will reveal any defences currently draining
- Fixed berserking not stripping rebounding/shield if it procs while
off bal/eq.
- Kneeling now acts as a true prone and sets you as fallen.
- Fixed Mirage, Darkness, Brilliance all fading early under certain
- Added FC, FLUIDCACHE, NLIST, and SEARCHNEWS as safe commands.
- Fixed voyria timer not being reduced by thin blood.
- Fangbarrier application delay increased from 5.5 seconds to 7
- Rend is now classed as a physical affliction.
- Blessings/favours are now applied as part of defence resistances
instead of as a seperate instance.
- Lowered blood regen from sleeping to 8% per tick, down from 10%.

- You can now create scythes as part of the LargeBlades skill.

- Fixed DSW and DSK working while both arms are broken.

- Severance now lets you instantly kill any undead mobile under
level 80.

- Affliction now gives a random hidden affliction cured by the tree
tattoo rather than loki.

- The bell tattoo will now reveal when your Sire is using Monitor on

Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 20th of Slyphian, in the year 455 MA.

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