Aetolian Game News

Public News Posts: 6574-6535

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6574Feb 19th, 2022A broken mirror is an omen of bad luckImperator Nipsy Cardinalis, the Lich WarlordEveryone
6573Feb 19th, 2022Neutral Research Outpost For Skittering CreaturesA Tarpen research assistantEveryone
6572Feb 18th, 2022A Grand Reopening!Traner FizzlepocketEveryone
6571Feb 17th, 2022Actors Needed for an Epic Saga: The Burning WorldVoidseeker YsyrinEveryone
6570Feb 17th, 2022The SandboxCommander Mjoll Seirath, Ov De ReretiShadus Wjoltyr
6569Feb 16th, 2022A lesson in scienceShadus WjoltyrImperator Nipsy Cardinalis, the Lich Warlord
6568Feb 16th, 2022Matters of shared research - Your requestImperator Nipsy Cardinalis, the Lich WarlordShadus Wjoltyr
6567Feb 15th, 2022ProofKidosHerald Whirran Arcan-Tetzauh
6566Feb 15th, 2022The Meaning of DefeatHerald Whirran Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
6565Feb 15th, 2022Titles titles titlesFeirenz OurborianIsia Taziyah, the Gilded Huntress
6564Feb 15th, 2022Okay then.Inkh, Director of ShadowsIesid Mulariad, the Imago's Seer
6563Feb 15th, 2022A Response to ManyShadus WjoltyrEveryone
6562Feb 15th, 2022Reading ComprehensionIsia Taziyah, the Gilded HuntressFeirenz Ourborian
6561Feb 15th, 2022oncoming boulderXolotlIesid Mulariad, the Imago's Seer
6560Feb 15th, 2022ReasoningSir Xavin TaziyahXolotl
6559Feb 15th, 2022Do BetterFeirenz OurborianEveryone
6558Feb 15th, 2022Your wordsIesid Mulariad, the Imago's SeerXolotl
6557Feb 15th, 2022ShushKnight-Chaplain Ayastia Aldrati, Hikdati wo JedXolotl
6556Feb 15th, 2022you're crying too muchXolotlEveryone
6555Feb 15th, 2022Iesid and the title 'Seer'Docent Eliadon, fio Ihiem EmaevLenoriel Ali'vani
6554Feb 15th, 2022Freedom and DominionIsia Taziyah, the Gilded HuntressEveryone
6553Feb 15th, 2022SpinesreachIesid Mulariad, the Imago's SeerFeirenz Ourborian
6552Feb 15th, 2022Spirean InvolvementFeirenz OurborianEveryone
6551Feb 15th, 2022May we know facts before never knowing peaceImperator Nipsy Cardinalis, the Lich WarlordEveryone
6550Feb 15th, 2022You and your wordsIesid Mulariad, the Imago's SeerLenoriel Ali'vani
6549Feb 15th, 2022DesistLenoriel Ali'vaniIesid Mulariad, the Imago's Seer
6548Feb 15th, 2022The tyranny of the SenateIesid Mulariad, the Imago's SeerInkh, Director of Shadows
6547Jan 18th, 2022Familial InquirySerynEveryone
6546Jan 18th, 2022UndeathEsrytesh Sibatti dur NayaLord Tetchta V. Mesis, the Sphygmic Prophet
6545Jan 17th, 2022A response to Sardara on the subject of UndeathFyrrenEveryone
6544Jan 17th, 2022CuresYureti Teflin VyktaireSardara
6543Jan 17th, 2022UndeathLord Tetchta V. Mesis, the Sphygmic ProphetSardara
6542Jan 17th, 2022The Cycle and UndeathSardaraEveryone
6541Jan 12th, 2022Regarding your wordsProcyonImperator Nipsy Cardinalis, the Lich Warlord
6540Jan 12th, 2022Be of His perfect creation. Embrace UndeathImperator Nipsy Cardinalis, the Lich WarlordEveryone
6539Jan 4th, 2022Spirean People AuctionFeirenz OurborianEveryone
6538Dec 30th, 2021The Waterfyre Festival's ReschedulingFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone
6537Dec 25th, 2021Ceasefire Acknowledgement between Bloodloch and EnorianDevout Elene Arcan-TetzauhEveryone
6536Dec 21st, 2021Esterport shop auctionZhamakela Ermoki, Magistrate of EsterportEveryone
6535Dec 19th, 2021Waterfyre PostponementFirestarter Roux AquilaEveryone

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