Aetolian Game News
Crucible of Conflict
Written by: the desk of Maeve Amarantus, the Red Grail
Date: Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
Soon you will find that the Lochian record of active enemies has been abolished.
In espousing Apostolic tradition, no longer will the Empire coddle those who bark loudly and fail to bite within the crucible of conflict. Let our teeth be bared without hesitation, steel back our bold declarations, or may the hand that fails to reach for it be stricken off.
To Sapience: Your permittance to enter this city is for the purposes of single combat only. Should a Lochian bark loudly in your direction and it offend you, match steel. Silence it, or be silenced. I could elucidate all the various acts you are yet not permitted; instead I will inform you that abuse of any other action will lead to swift reinstatement.
To the Empire: Now is the time. Acclimate to the taste of blood in your mouths. Indulge in it. Learn to rise from the sand again as many times as it takes to find your Strength, and become as stone.
Let it be known that any who reinstate a status over something so paltry as the death of a single citizen are cowards, unworthy of the Empire whose wall of bone they have long sheltered behind. Blood is the only currency that matters, and those who fear its cost have no place among us.
May none ever know peace.
Maeve Amarantus, the Red Grail
Composed at my desk on Gosday, the 7th of Omeian, in the year 10 AC.