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Public News Post #7455

More Festival Details!

Written by: Knight Shara Taziyah
Date: Thursday, October 17th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Sapience!

Just an update and reminder about the Skylantern Festival on the upcoming date of Chakros 22, Year 7!

I am incorporating that weeks Inquisition into the schedule, any Inquisition winners will receive a shiny medal!

Aside from that there will be food and drink as well as a treasure hunt and combat contest and it all ends with a glorious release of skylanterns! The winner of the treasure hunt and combat contest will each receive 25 credits minimum and a shiny medal(possibly more credits if there is a large showing for each).

-The treasure hunt will consist of each contestant being given a list of items to collect from around Sapience that fit the clues of the list.

-The combat will be combat duels until an over all winner is decided.

I am taking signups for both now!
You do not have to sign up ahead of time but doing so makes planning easier, simply message me on which of the two contests you wish to participate in.

I hope to see many faces there!


Penned by my hand on Closday, the 22nd of Dharos, in the year 7 AC.

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