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Public News Post #7380

Our Allied Relations

Written by: Agra, Kobold Empress of the Ophidian Empire
Date: Tuesday, August 6th, 2024
Addressed to: The City of Spinesreach

Esteemed Regent and Viceroys,

The Ophidian Empire is no stranger to the spurious uprisings that occur throughout the ages, our history as long and storied as any when it comes to trials and tribulations of a violent nature. Likewise, we know that these uprisings are often the motivation of a singular person or small sect of individuals who wish to upend the established order for their own gain. This is the way our people have viewed the actions of those associated with the Top Rock Association of Strategic Havoc, hereafter referenced as T.R.A.S.H.

However, we have confirmed reports of not merely a singular individual harassing, violating or outright slaying those of the Ophidian Empire, but the presence of a growing number of Spirean citizens. Furthermore, and equally troubling, numerous reports have confirmed the presence of some of the Viceroys that we address this missive towards.

Additionally, those who still hold ties to the Ophidian Empire and are within your city have informed us of certain comments said toward citizens that bring about something of a lackadaisical viewpoint that your government has toward the Ophidian Empire. Notably, that such actions taken by T.R.A.S.H. are not only not condemened, but given free reign for all citizens to participate in. Further, that 'the Ophidians only ever helped Bloodloch and didn't do much for us'.

It is a pity that this is the current opinion of the leadership of Spinesreach, for we have long stood as your allies and came to your aid when called upon. Though it may be long for some, it was not so long ago that we answered your call to stand side-by-side at the cusp of the tundra, battling back against the dregs of the Serpent, Jox. Our Ophidian warriors flanked the adventurers of the North, not only honouring our alliance but also paying tribute to what you had done for us not long before in the Liruma. We have opened our home to you, given many of your city our knowledge and trinkets, and would eagerly answer any call given to us as your longtime ally.

We offer you the chance to right this wrong. To once more call the Ophidian Empire your ally and work with us, that we might grow and ascend together.

Should you decline, it would be to both of our detriments; it is our collective hope that it does not come to this.

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 17th of Slyphian, in the year 5 AC.

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