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Public News Post #7377


Written by: the office of Officer Sysaa Bee, Spark of Turmoil
Date: Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Strife. A word that everyone has heard somewhere. Some may deny that it is something that touches and affects all - but those few are wrong.

So many words are thrown around when it comes to Strife - Discord. Turmoil. Ruin. Dissent. All of which are accurate, but don't paint the true picture of what Strife is.

Progress strides upon the path of Strife. Any and all progress. Be it obtaining a new skill or murdering a foe - Strife is there. It reaches all of us, even if we don't want to admit it.

Those who wish to dedicate themselves to this path are welcome to seek out the Argent Legion, the Officers of Lord Bamathis. He and His are seeking any who will help remind the world that Strife is everywhere, while also helping find worthy foes for the Lord to destroy.

Those with interest should come to myself or the Ireti Whirran.

Strife Everlasting,
Officer Sysaa Bee, Spark of Turmoil

Officially released on Tisday, the 23rd of Lexadian, in the year 5 AC.

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