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Announce News Post #53

Celani and Guides

Written by: Varian the Celestine
Date: Sunday, December 1st, 2002
Addressed to: Everyone

As many of you are no doubt aware, I've selected two new Celani from the
recent batch of applicants: Niryas and Leife. They've chosen a life of
servitude and verbal abuse, and thus we are quite glad to have them. To
those of you who applied but were not selected this time: I will be
taking another look at the pool of applicants and possibly selecting
more in another Aetolian year or two.

We are also ready to hire several new Guides. A Guide's job is to hang
out and be helpful to newbies, making sure all their questions get
answered and that their first experiences in Aetolia are positive. Being
a Guide is not an achievement or a position of power - in fact, those
without very patient and helpful temperaments generally hate it. If
you're interested in being a Guide, you must have played Aetolia for at
least 500 hours and be willing to put in at least 10 hours as a Guide
per Aetolian year.

To apply, please send an e-mail with the subject "Guide application" to The application must include the following

Your real name
Your age
Your occupation
The names of all your characters in Aetolia
The times you are usually online and would be available to be a Guide
A short paragraph describing why you would make a good Guide

Applicants will be contacted within the next Aetolian year.


Penned by my hand on the 9th of Midautumn, in the year 86 MA.

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