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Announce News Post #2735

Limited artifact sale!

Written by: Razmael, the Synthesist
Date: Thursday, September 21st, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

Tiur left the mass-duplicator lying around (I've warned him about that...) and Diogen got his grubby hands on it. He used it to duplicate a bunch of artifacts normally only available through auctions. As such, we have no choice but to sell them! These artifacts are available for sale only until the end of the month, after which we'll be taking them down again. Coincidentally, the end of the month is also when Diogen will be freed from the shametube again.

These can all be found under AP LIST LIMITED. Or, AP LIST FULL LIMITED to see their information (just a copy of what's in this post).

And don't forget, we have a 40% bonus credits sale going on this month! Or 50%, if you have a membership. You'll not get a better chance at getting these artifacts.

A market stall construction kit (3000cr)
This kit can be used to create a portable shop, and may be placed anywhere by the owner providing another shop is not already located there. Requires the room it's being set up in to not have an exit to the in.

Supreme Celestine bracers of devastation (2400cr)
These bracers contain level 4 of the critical_chance artifact, conferring an 8% increase. You can upgrade your existing critical_chance artifact to level 4 also.

A Torc of Vitality (2000cr)
The Torc of Vitality grants the use of the Vitality ability (AB VITALITY). This artifact can only be used by its owner.

An Arionic Chalice (9999cr)
This chalice is a 'permanent' version of the consumable double XP chalice. By permanent, we mean it has a single sip of that delicious liquid that gives you the double exp buff, and that sip will refill daily. Normally costs 10,000 credit, but we're giving you a massive 1cr discount because the artifact shop can't count into 5 digits for some reason!

A reinforced collapsible shelf (1600cr)
Contains level 4 of the stockroom_expand artifact power, increasing your stockroom's max size to 600! You can upgrade your existing stockroom_expand artifact to this for the cost difference.

A Erect-a-Shelf carpentry kit (1000cr)
This is level 2 of the extra_shelves artifact power, increasing the maximum number of shelves your shop can have from 20 to 30! Can upgrade your existing extra_shelves artifact as well.

A venantium stud finder (2000cr)
What's that? You have an insatiable lust for... more shelves? Alright, here's a level 3 version of the extra_shelves power then, giving you up to 40 shelves to organize your goods on. Note: Product may act erractically around Keroc.

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 6th of Lanosian, in the year 468 MA.

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