Aetolian Game News
Written by: Varian, the Satus
Date: Thursday, December 13th, 2001
Addressed to: Everyone
The results of the bardic and artisanal contests are in! The competition
was tough and the judges drunken (Iosyne always keeps plenty of ambrosia
on hand). As a reminder, information about the contests can be found in
"Dark Path," a story of one young Tsol'aa's descent into the corruption
of the Consanguine, by Silmarillion.
Runners up:
"The Land," a poem concerning the landmark struggle, by Sara
"Song of the Shastaan Fisherman," a poignant verse of the sea by Ikne
"Curiosity," a warning tale for those who would let their inquisitive
nature lead them to harm, by Isabis
Merit awards:
Untitled, a story of greed and treachery by Sarelle
"The Embrace," a poem about the gift of blood, by Scraelyn
"The Triad at Sea," an insightful portrayal of the tenets of Haern, the
Hunter, by Alaedremoh
Runner up:
"The Happy Occultist," a woodcut illustration of the modern occultist at
Congratulations to all who placed! These works are available to see on
the Aetolia web site at
Penned by my hand on the 16th of Lleian, in the year 58 MA.