31.3.5 The Grazzin-Sammonward Arena

Situated on the valley's eastern border stands the infamous Grazzin-Sammonward Arena, a venue steeped in blood sports and cutthroat rivalries. Initially established as a gruesome spectacle for House Galthor's officers, pitting slave against slave, its pivoted to more consensual (yet still equally bloody) bouts after the Red Quarter's liberation.

Overseen day-to-day by Magister Faiz Grazzin, a Caentoi of questionable scruples, he defends the arena's existence, proclaiming it an offering to Kaj, the Child. In the teachings embraced by many Kaj devotees, every blood droplet spilled upon the Bonro sands serves as an act of devotion, with hopes of summoning fresh oases to the parched landscape.

Yet, Kaj's priesthood dismisses such claims as the self-serving rationalisations of a shrewd profiteer. Regardless of the dissent, the arena thrives, tapping into the Caentoi's entrepreneurial spirit and deep-seated love for wagering.

In the sixth year following the Creators' Monomachy, Faiz became equal partners with Lord Sorrelion Sammonward the Fifth, a Grook investor of prodigous wealth. Though the specific details of their agreement remain untold to others, the Magister continues to run the blood-fueled, and newly renovated, attraction.