100.99.3 Synthesis

Eschewing the traditional elemental focus practised by most Magi professionals, Tidesages wield the skill of Synthesis to - quite literally - synthesise a proto-elemental from crystals, an ancient form of magical focus derived from the pearls of oysters and once used in the act of spinning crystalline vibrations. These constructs are element agnostic, though the skilled Tidesage is capable of imbuing their elemental with one or more specific elements to elicit particular effects.

Pseudo-sentient, these artificial elementals act as both companion and protector, fiercely loyal and unwavering in their adherence to the commands of their master. In battle, Synthesis employs a variety of techniques both martial and magical, with the most skilled practitioners able to instill a wide array of enhancements and innate reflexes to grant incredible alacrity to their elemental.