3.2 Channels

You can imagine channels are like multi-person group chats. By using them, you can speak to whoever is listening to them. The various channels are listed below, along with commands pertaining to them.

If you wish to configure the channel colours, type CONFIG COLOUR, and instructions will be provided.

Note that the rules of HELP LANGUAGERULES apply to _all_ channels, except for clan channels. In addition, most channels are considered IC (in-character) and should be treated as such.

Channels are compatible with expressiveness (as detailed under HELP EXPRESSIVENESS), allowing you to add an optional adverb to your speech string, as in the following example:

newbie *cheerfully You can use PORTALS to escape!
(Newbie): Alecto says cheerfully, "You can use PORTALS to escape!"

Guild Channel
Used to discuss guild business, chat with your guildmates, and so on.

GTON              : Turn your guild channel on.
GTOFF             : Turn your guild channel off.
GT <whatever>     : Say <whatever> on your guild channel.
GTELLS [FULL]     : Shows the past 20 comments said on channel.

City Channel
Used to discuss city business, chat with fellow citizens, etc.

CTON              : Turn your city channel on.
CTOFF             : Turn your city channel off.
CT <whatever>     : Say <whatever> on your city channel.
CTELLS [FULL]     : Shows the past 20 comments said on channel.
CNTON             : Turn your city's novice channel on.
CNTOFF            : Turn your city's novice channel off.
CNT <whatever>    : Say <whatever> on your city's novice channel.

Order Channel
Used for your Divine Order.

OTON              : Turn your order channel on.
OTOFF             : Turn your order channel off.
OT <whatever>     : Say <whatever> on your order channel.
OTELLS [FULL]     : Shows the past 20 comments said on channel.
COTELL <whatever> : Say <whatever> on your congregation.

Newbie Channel
Used for new players and their questions. Should _only_ be used when a newbie has a question, or when you have an answer for the newbie. This channel is considered OOC (out-of-character) to facilitate the asking of questions.

NEWBIEON          : Turn the newbie channel on.
NEWBIEOFF         : Turn the newbie channel off.
NEWBIE <whatever> : Say <whatever> on the newbie channel.
NTELLS [FULL]     : Shows the past 20 comments said on channel.

Market Channel
Used only for buying and selling goods and services (forged items, credits, and the like). It is not a channel for the discussion of whatever strikes your fancy. It is also not a channel to advertise for spars in the arena.                                                     

MARKETON          : Turn the market channel on.
MARKETOFF         : Turn the market channel off.
MARKET <whatever> : Speak on the market channel.
MTELLS [FULL]     : Shows the past 20 comments said on channel.