20.11.53 Cathedral of Gloaming

The Cathedral, with its spectacular architecture, existed long before the Dwarves arrived. The Dwarves, not understanding why it was abandoned and choosing not to delve too deeply into what the place represented, simply took it upon themselves to settle into the land.

These Dwarves chose to worship the dusk, or as they called it, the gloaming, because of how glorious it looked from this holy ground. They came to believe it to be the most powerful and beautiful time of daylight - an example of how the light can still be seen as the long night approaches, a demonstration that rather than being the end, death is merely the beginning, and the light preceding it can bring true contentment. According to their belief, the crepuscular hour brings about the individual fire and allows it to shine brightly, providing each person with a means to find their own path in the darkness without being overwhelmed by the ever-present light during the day.

It was their way of worshipping Dhaivol, though they became an even odder offshoot from the Heylai Dwarves over time, becoming more radicalised in their veneration of the gloaming.

The specific details of how and when it happened remain unknown, but one night, an overwhelming number of spirits appeared in the Cathedral, haunting the Dwarves that resided there. Because of this, the Dwarves began to leave the area at night to avoid these creatures and only return during the day to worship the coming gloaming.

Those of the Cathedral generally assume that the arrival of these spirits was caused by something nefarious done by the Trolls, although rumour has it that this land was cursed long ago, long before the Trolls could have done a thing.

The realm may never know the actual truth behind this land.