13.8 Body Part Damage

There are six body parts for the purposes of bodily damage, known as trauma, within the world of combat in Aetolia:

Head        - The skull of your character.
Torso       - The chest/body of your character.
Left arm    - Your left arm.
Right arm   - Your right arm.
Left leg    - Your left leg.
Right leg   - Your right leg.

Each of these body parts is able to take individual damage, and generally attacks will tell you which body part they are attacking, if any. If no body part is shown in an attack, then you are just taking general damage. You can see how much damage a body part receives by typing CONFIG AFFLICTION_VIEW ON, which will show as a percent.                                                     

Attacks that strike a body part will deal trauma to that limb, lowering a hidden health value for that specific limb. The amount of health each of your body parts will have is based upon your constitution times 1500, and cannot be damaged any further than this maximum.

If you have the ability in Vision to check your WOUNDS you can see how much damage each limb has taken. This damage is not healed over time or by drinking a health elixir like ordinary damage, the only way to repair this kind of bodily trauma is by applying a restoration poultice to the limb.


For the most part, trauma to your body parts will cause no penalty to your character until the trauma upon that limb reaches a certain threshold. Minor symptoms will appear when the total damage upon that limb crosses a third of its maximum health, and major symptoms will occur when it crosses two-thirds of its maximum health. Percent-wise this is at the 33% mark and the 66% mark.

Major symptoms must be cured before minor symptoms; however, to cure a major symptom, you must start to restore the damage on that limb before you have any hope of the symptom disappearing.

Please note that even though you may have no symptoms the body part may still have trauma on it. This is called asymptomatic and it is possible that the tiniest bit of additional trauma may cause minor symptoms to develop much sooner than expected. It is always best to make sure your bodily damage is fully healed.

Below is a chart listing the symptoms for each body part.

--------        --------------       --------------
Head            Muddled thoughts     Concussion

Body            Minor bleeding       Serious bleeding
                and reduced          and reduced natural
                accuracy             healing

Arms and legs   Limb is broken       Limb becomes mangled
                and cannot be used   and cannot be used.


The last important thing to state about bodily damage is that once minor symptoms appear, you will be no longer able to benefit from the healing applications of the mending poultice to that limb. For example if you are ablaze which requires you to apply mending to your torso to cure and your torso is broken, then you will find that your mending poultice will become ineffective until the broken torso is healed first.

Be wary when situations like this arise, you may want to play defensively until you are able to heal yourself properly.

NB: There is an exception to this rule, and it exists only for critical bruising.

When referring to bodily damage, you can use the below terminology. You can expect to find this terminology within AB files as you read through them.

Associated with bruising and its mechanics.

Trauma OR Bodypart Damage:
Damage to the limb that can cause it to enter a symptomatic state.

Refers to the crippled set of afflictions, e.g. left leg crippled.

Refers the broken set of afflictions, e.g. left leg broken.

Mangled OR Mutilated:
Refers to the mangled set of afflictions, e.g. left leg mangled.

Refers to the amputated set of afflictions, e.g. left leg amputated.

Refers specifically to the head mangled affliction.