23.4.7 Praenomen Artifacts
Below are a list of artifact powers that directly affect those of the Praenomen class. For additional information on artifacts and artifact powers AP provides a list of the syntax available. OFFENSIVE --------- AP: equilibrium_recovery a silver crown 100 cr - Reduces the time it takes to recover equilibrium by about 7%. AP: L1, L2, L3 handtohand_damage - Brass knuckles (affects frenzy, punches, and maul). Brass knuckles: +15% (+10% to maul/frenzy) 400 cr Spiked knuckles: +25% (+15% to maul/frenzy) 800 cr Celestine spiked knuckles +35% (+20% to maul/frenzy) 1600 cr DEFENSIVE --------- AP: L1, L2, L3 blood_thin an imbrued hemagogue Reduces your use of blood by Sanguis and Mentis. - L1 blood_thin 15% reduction 300 cr - L2 blood_thin 25% reduction 600 cr - L3 blood_thin 35% reduction 1200 cr AP: sunbane an amulet of the moon 500 cr - Reduces damage that Vampires take from the sun. It will also eliminate any afflictions that the sun might deal out. HUNTING ------- AP: L1, L2, L3 hunt_praenomen A sanguine teardrop. The powers will increase the damage the player does to MOBILES ONLY while their current class is the class to which the power is attributed. -L1 hunt_praenomen 5% bonus 200 cr -L2 hunt_praenomen 10% bonus 400 cr -L3 hunt_praenomen 15% bonus 800 cr UTILITY ------- AP: artifact_coffin a Death's Grip coffin 250 cr - A coffin that never decays and allows you to entomb to it from anywhere on the same continent, as if you always had the deathlink defence. Cannot be dug up by anyone except you. AP: corpse_store a sarcophagus talisman 250 cr - Allows the vampire to store up to three corpses within the talisman, which can be retrieved later at any time for feeding or for use as minions. Interact with it using the CORPSE command. AP: L1, L2, L3 quick_path 50cr This artifact will lower the cooldown on switching Praenomen paths. - L1 quick_path reduces cooldown to 2 hours 50 cr - L2 quick_path reduces cooldown to 1 hour 100 cr - L3 quick_path reduces cooldown to 15 minutes 200 cr