19.17.4 Official Aetolian Discord
Yes, we have an official discord! https://discord.gg/x2s7fY6 Feel free to join up and talk about the game or simply chat. Please be sure to read the rules upon joining! Typing !help in the #bot-commands channel will bring up a list of functions that the server bot can use. The list of functionality includes: * Character verification (use the [0;1;37mDISC VERIFY[0;37m command in game to receive a code, and then !verify <code> in the server to confirm it) * Newbie channel integration; this goes both ways but requires your account to be verified in order to use it from the Discord server * Automatic new threads for classlead submissions in the #combat channel * Viewing honours (both short and full) * Full [0;1;37mEVENTS[0;37m integration, allowing you to view and see details on all listings * Full news integration including nstat and reading articles from any public section in the server * Full [0;1;37mHELP[0;37m integration to read help files in the server * Ability to see who is online using !who * Ability to see the current in game date and time using !time * Automatic posting of events, changes, and annnounce news posts into the #news channel [0;1;37mNOTE: You will need to use the #bot-commands channel for these to function, in order to keep the other channels clean[0;37m