18.2.11 King's Abdication

King's Abdication is an ancient two-player race game, brought back into this world and time through the memory of the Elder God, Helera, the Gambler. In this game, the Blue Kingdom and the Green kingdom, two opposing factions, must be the first to move all their pieces off the game board, and in doing so leave a lasting legacy for their kingdom that will allow its ruler to abdicate in peace.

Abdication has full support for those that have CONFIG SCREENREADER turned on.

How to play
* Each kingdom has 7 pieces by default that they must move from one end of the board to the other. Pieces can only ever move forwards.

* Each kingdom has territory in which only their pieces can enter.

* Tiles denoted by the { } symbol are a castle. Moving a unit into a castle lets you have another turn.

* The middle of the board is known as the 'warzone', which both kingdom's pieces will enter. You can capture one of your opponent's pieces by landing on it. Capturing sends the piece off the board and back into the opponent's hand.

* You cannot capture a piece that is sitting on a castle tile.

* For a piece to leave the board, you must roll the exact number of moves to reach the end of the board, plus 1. e.g. If it's on the very last tile, you can only move off the board if you have 1 move point. 

* On your turn, you must ABD ROLL four six-sided dice. Any dice that has a face of four or more will add +1 move points for your current turn.

* If you roll no moves, or cannot move or place a piece with the moves you have rolled, your turn will be skipped. Otherwise, you MUST move a piece already on the board, or place a new piece with your move points on your turn.

* Moving or placing a new piece will move that piece the exact number of tiles that you have move points, ending your turn unless it moves into a castle.

* If one of your other pieces already occupies the destination tile, your piece cannot move.

All commands require there to be a King's Abdication game board in the room with you.

ABD CHALLENGE <target> [pieces]
Challenge someone to a game of King's Abdication. You can optionally choose a number of pieces to play with other than the default 7, if you want shorter or longer game.

Accept a pending challenge to play King's Abdication. This will set the active game for you and your opponent.

ABD DISPLAY [gameid]
Display the board for your current active game, or for the specified game ID if you supply one.

ABD SCORE [gameid]
View the score for the current active game, or for the specified game ID if you supply one.

ABD SWITCH <gameid>
Switches your active game to the specified game ID. This command can be used by anyone to allow them to spectate an ongoing game in the room with them.

Lists all unfinished games of King's Abdication you are a participant in.

On your turn in your active King's Abdication game, roll the dice to determine your moves this turn.

ABD MOVE <piece number>
Move your specified piece number forward a number of tiles equal to your move points.

Place a new piece on the board on the tile equal to your move points.

ABD REPORT <piece number>
Largely intended for screenreader players, this reports the location of one of your pieces.

Concede victory to your opponent, ending the game.