23.4.4 Indorani Artifacts
Below are a list of artifact powers that directly affect those of the Indorani class. For additional information on artifacts and artifact powers AP provides a list of the syntax available. OFFENSIVE --------- AP: equilibrium_recovery a silver crown 850 cr - Reduces the time it takes to recover equilibrium by about 7%. AP: gravehands an urn of gravedirt 400 cr - This power will increase the duration of your Gravehands ability by 50%. AP: L1, L2, L3 magic_potence a collar of augmentation Increases damage done for the following attacks: * Necromancy: Decay, BoneDagger - L1 magic_potence 10% 400 cr - L2 magic_potence 15% 800 cr - L3 magic_potence 20% 1600 cr DEFENSIVE --------- AP: essence_regen an Amulet of Imal 400 cr - Wearing this power will triple the amount of life essence you gain from the natural essence regen. AP: incorporeal_mastery an imbued shroud 350 cr This artifact power will halve the passive drain upon your willpower while in lightform or blackwind. AP: necro_boon a chaotic globe of the necromancer 500 cr - While in your inventory, this will lower the cost of any ability that uses essence by 50%. HUNTING ------- AP: L1, L2, L3 hunt_indorani A bone idol. The powers will increase the damage the player does to MOBILES ONLY while their current class is the class to which the power is attributed. -L1 hunt_indorani 5% bonus 200 cr -L2 hunt_indorani 10% bonus 400 cr -L3 hunt_indorani 15% bonus 800 cr UTILITY ------- AP: dominate_collar a collar of domination 50 cr - Lets you permanently dominate any ONE of the Chaos Lords except Xa'azamit. You will have unlimited pacts with that Chaos Lord. Instead of DECLARING greedy or generous, DECLARE COLLAR, and you will make a permanent pact with that Lord. This will destroy the collar in the process. AP: powerdeck an infinite tarot deck 500 cr - Allows one to draw a tarot card at no cost that will eventually disappear if not used. Cards cannot be placed in cache. SYNTAX: DRAW <card> FROM DECK.