Guard Layouts
This system will allow the Security ministry to save guard layouts on an individual room basis, allowing for easy recovery of guards after a loss. A brief summary of the commands and how they work follows: GUARDS by itself will list the syntaxes for you. GUARDS VIEW - This will display the guard layout for your current room. GUARDS ASSIGN <#> <type> - This will assign # of a specific guard type to be placed in the room. - For type, use HighGuard, HighMage, MedGuard, LowMage, or LowGuard. GUARDS CLEAR - Clear the guard layout for your current room. The following commands only work from the city barracks: GUARDS LIST - A list of each room with a layout and its totals. GUARDS SUMMARY - A summary showing the sums of your planned guards vs actual guards. GUARDS RETURN - This command will attempt to move guards into rooms that have planned their presence via layout. - Please note that it may shuffle ANY guard in the city when used, so any guards that have been set to manually guard a room without a layout will most likely need to be reassigned. - Guards will be set to 'Guard' mode. If you want them to patrol or sentinel, you will need to set that manually afterwards. - Using this command will cause all guards in your city to NOT attack enemies for 30 minutes. Be wary. - You won't be able to issue this command if there are enemies in the city. - There is a one hour cooldown after use before you may do this again. GUARDS RECRUIT - If your actual guards are less than your planned guards, this command will automatically hire the remaining guards you need. - Guards will be placed in the barracks. See also: HELP SECURITY, HELP GUARDS