9.12.1 Gaming

Gaming is a Hobby skill centred around gambling, games of chance, puzzles, and various competitive activities. 

It contains some thirty individual abilites, ranging from simple summoning of game tables, to the creation of wordgames, use of betting books, making wagers, devising tournament brackets, elaborate usage of dice and cards, and even hosting public events like lotteries. Highly skilled Gaming practitioners will even find they can twist fortune in their favour: provided they don't get caught!

The skill can be learned for a cost of 1500 lessons using the syntax COMMIT FREETIME TO GAMING. 

Once learned, advancement is done through completing a series of challenges, any one of which will allow you to advance to the next skill rank and unlock new abilities. These challenges typically involve playing one or more games to success in a variety of ways.

This command will allow you to see the list of advancement tasks available. Of the twenty options, only eleven need to be completed to reach Transcendent skill rank.

Some of the tasks may be found in the Izu-Ari Casino, the entrance of which is at 'A statue garden outside the casino' (v72513).