3.20.2 Emotion Search
There are hundreds of pre-defined emotions available in Aetolia. The syntaxes involved for navigating and finding the emotions you are looking for are as follows: EMOTIONLIST or EMLIST: Shows you a full list of the emotions available in alphabetical order. EMOTIONLIST or EMLIST <emotion>: Narrows your search to emotions that match your text. If *'s are included around the word, it expands the search to all terms that include that particular word (Example: EMLIST KISS will show you only kiss, where EMLIST *KISS* will show you kiss, bellykiss, lovekiss, etc). EMSEARCH <term>: Searches and returns any emotions that contain the specified term anywhere in its messages. This is case-insensitive and will find the word anywhere, e.g. 'the' will match on 'synthesist'. EMSHOW <emotion>: Use EMSHOW <emotion> to see all messages displayed by the given emotion. EMOTECOUNT: See the list of emotes with their usage count.