Astranomia is a young branch of magic that manipulates vast cosmic energy from the vast night sky and the cosmic wonders wrought by the Eschaton in the early days of the eighth year following the Creator's Monomachy. Drawing upon the light of glorious nebulae, comets, asteroids, and other anomalous sights, wielders of Astranomia forge sorcery from starlight to aid their allies and visit ruin upon their enemies. Those who pursue life as a Siderealist often start their studies with this art, beginning with the monumental task of learning to open themselves to communion with cosmic forces without burning themselves to stellar cinders. Upon accomplishing such a feat, those who channel the will of the stars do so with eyes aglow with its primordial potential, lending them an alluring air of ethereal mystery. Rumour has it that an accomplished Siderealist can open their veins to the night itself, welcoming the power of the stars to achieve a state of thrilling omnipotence - anybody who could confirm such a thing, however, is nothing more than ash scattered across highways and starlit glades.