
The ancestors, also known as the ancestral memory, are a collective Dendaric consciousness formed from the memories of dead Sentinels and Wardens. With their flesh returned to the soil, and souls moved onto their next life, only the bones of these ancestors remain, stored within sacred burial crypts to act as a tether for their memories.

Though it is rare for the ancestors to manifest outside of the vicinity of the bone crypts, a Warden chosen by the ancestors will receive the ancestral mark - a link to the bone crypts no matter where they might be. Through this mark, a Warden can beseech the ancestors for aid in their battle, calling upon their otherwordly energy to protect themself or strike their enemies. Be warned, however, that the ancestors do not just help any Warden in trouble. Without building up suitable renown with the ancestors, a Warden's pleas may fall on deaf ears instead.