Year 10 Itinerary!

In less than two weeks, it will be Aetolia’s first decennial celebration of the new age! As always, a decennial celebration brings with it tons of games, contests and surprises!

There’ll be a proper post with all the details about points and specific events nearer to the time but for now in order to give everyone advance notice, the itinerary for Year 10 is posted below.

Everything listed here will also be posted on the EVENTS listings shortly after this post goes up. All times are listed in GMT but with CONFIG TIMEZONE, the list will show an accurate time for your part of the world. [0;1;37mYou should take this a reminder to review your CONFIG TIMEZONE setting in case it has drifted due to daylight savings![0m

There will be thousands of credits and prizes on offer throughout the celebrations and hopefully we’ve curated an exciting schedule with something for everyone to enjoy.

[0;1;37mSaturday 1st March:[0m

– Year 10’s festivities will open with a Starfall soon after the new year arrives.
– A daily quest will go live until the end of March.
– We’ll be opening a themed design/crafting contest until the 11th of March, details to be posted at the time.
– Due to the rise of AI-produced content, we will not be running an Artisanal or Bardic competition.
– Days of the week promotions will be active for all of Year 10:

* Monday: Double milestone cap
* Tuesday: Double XP
* Wednesday: Favours for everyone
* Thursday: Denizens will respawn twice as fast after being killed
* Friday: Increased critical hits

21:00: Starfall
23:00: Storytelling

[0;1;37mSunday 2nd:[0m
22:00: A Quiz on Aetolian Geography and History

[0;1;37mMonday 3rd:[0m
00:00: The Duel
23:00: Champion’s Core

[0;1;37mWednesday 5th:[0m
01:00: Free For All

[0;1;37mThursday 6th:[0m
00:00: Bait the Frog

[0;1;37mFriday 7th:[0m
01:00: Bloodbath
21:00: Walker’s Tongue

[0;1;37mSaturday 8th:[0m
00:00: City v City Territories
19:00: Resonance
21:00: Iron Epicurean

[0;1;37mSunday 9th:[0m
00:00: Y10 Twins Tournament
21:00: Y10 Poker Tournament

[0;1;37mMonday 10th:[0m
00:00: The Brawl
01:00: Keg Race

[0;1;37mTuesday 11th:[0m
02:00: Inquisition
23:00: Egg Hunt

[0;1;37mWednesday 12th:[0m
00:01: An Iron Lottery will open for the rest of the month
21:00: Freeze Tag

[0;1;37mThursday 13th:[0m
21:00: Survivor

[0;1;37mFriday 14th:[0m
22:00: Hide and Seek

[0;1;37mSaturday 15th:[0m
00:00: Ale Run
22:00: Treasure Hunt

[0;1;37mSunday 16th:[0m
00:00: City vs. City CTF
21:00: Y10 Farkle Tournament

[0;1;37mMonday 17th:[0m
00:00: Fishing Derby
01:00: Arrival of the Lord Sorrelion Sammonward’s Party Barge! Dohohohoho!

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 12th of Lexadian, in the year 9 AC.