Year 10 Crafting Competition – begins!

The Year 10 Design Contest is now officially open!

Until the 11th of March we’ll be accepting your design submissions for the theme of [0;1;37mGEOGRAPHY[0m.

These submissions aren’t tied to any one particular archetype and can be from any of Aetolia’s crafting skills.

Submissions can be made by sending a clear letter to Ere with all of the details. Please sign these and make it absolutely clear who they are from!

We’ll be judging these based on a variety of factors, including spelling and grammar, creativity, adherence to the theme, and whether it is distinctly Aetolian in nature.

Prizes are as follows:

1st place: 250 credits & the winner’s choice of any crafting related artifact (nothing limited like an auction arti)
2nd place: 200 credits
3rd place: 150 credits

Event points as usual for all entries and top five!

Some rules:

– One submission per player
– This must be a new design and not one that already exists in the game
– You do not need to actually have the skill you’re designing for
– The design should be complete with any additional fields filled in as appropriate (e.g taste messages for drinks, eaten messages for foods and such)

Make sure you read [0;1;33mHELP CRAFTING COMPETITION[0m in full for all the details not covered here!

Good luck!

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 15th of Sapiarch, in the year 10 AC.