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Public News Post #7568

An overdue apology

Written by: Arbiter Traice de Verdigris
Date: Monday, February 17th, 2025
Addressed to: The Duiran Council

I have wronged you.

I was selfish in my every action and chose to hide behind my duty in some even when there were still other routes to pursue before resorting to such. I have broken a trust back then as I have again in my most recent departure and all of this falls back to my own selfishness.

I am sorry for my actions and though I wish to come home, I know if I am not granted such that is due to my own actions and nobody elses.

To Bhalwyn and Aolin, you both had faith in me early which my own stubbornness quickly eroded away. I regret this and understand if that is never repaired.

To Esrytesh, you went out of your way to try and help me connect and be involved. I was dismissive of your efforts and you deserved better then that.

To Bhajal, Edhain and Varshatesh for disregarding my relationships with you and how my actions affect all of you.

To Sekeres and the sentinels you gave me a chance I woefully proved undeserving of. I am sorry I threw that away.

To my King, Lord Dhar, You asked one thing of me beyond my normal duties as Yours... it was to be Your presence in Duiran. I failed You on this and yet You still continue to have faith and encourage me. I hope I can show it is not wasted but still I apologize for my failures.

To anyone I have not directly named, I am still guilty of distancing myself and holding no regard for those who should be my allies and thus you have my apology as well.


Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 11th of Lexadian, in the year 9 AC.

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