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Public News Post #7390

Essence Contest: Abhorash, the Hegemonist

Written by: the scribe of Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo Oidhre
Date: Monday, August 12th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

I am hosting an essence contest for Lord Abhorash, the Hegemonist, which will start from now and end on the 25th of Ios, 6 AC.

Bloody are these lands that feel the weight of the Progenitor's gaze, and blessed are the weapons that cut a swathe through all the chaff who would stand in the way of their dominion. Drown the world in a surfeit of sanguine and reap the rewards of your harvest; offer your kills before the bloodstone of His shrine 'neath a Subjugated Sun (v41364) and seize the prize that awaits the strongest hunters.

First prize: 50 credits

Second prize: 25 credits

Third prize: 15 credits

I am,
Executor of Abyssal Chaos
Elene Arcan-Tetzauh
His Reaver

Transcribed by my scribe on Gosday, the 25th of Haernos, in the year 5 AC.

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