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Public News Post #7385

My banishment

Written by: Arbiter Traice Legare
Date: Saturday, August 10th, 2024
Addressed to: The Duiran Council

Allow me to start this by saying this is not a plea to be brought back. I keep being told to admit my 'wrong' but to do that would be to admit I did wrong by my Lord as well.

I will break this down at least for the love I hold to my fiance who reside among you still.

I did my duty to my Lord and Cycle, in doing my duty I have wronged you, The Council. I will admit that I have wrong Duiran. This is not the first time I chose the Underking over city and it will not be the last because my devotion to Lord Dhar presides over all else.

This likely makes me inelgible to be allowed residence anywhere and this is simply a burden I will have to learn to except.

I thank you for housing me for as long as you have and I am at least sorry that things had to end in this way, I did not realize my wish to make it available to all would end up so harshly received by my fellows who valued the cycle as well.

Know I still hold all care for Dia'ruis.

Good luck.

His Arbiter,

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 10th of Haernos, in the year 5 AC.

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