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Public News Post #7381


Written by: the desk of Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh, Adil wo Oidhre
Date: Wednesday, August 7th, 2024
Addressed to: Agra, Kobold Empress of the Ophidian Empire

Empress Agra,

Following numerous upheavals such as the War of Night and the Monomachy that warped the fabric of our world and re-wrote the history that we once knew it as, the Republic of Spinesreach with which the Ophidian Empire established alliance and helped many centuries ago has ceased to exist.

In its place stands the Theocracy of Spinesreach, building upon the foundations of our forebears, the Ankyreans, under the exacting vision of the Zenith.

Accordingly, the ideals that the Dragon of the North utilise to guide our hands forth have changed; they are no longer the invocations of democracy, freedom, and impartiality you may still be familiar with. As such, we welcome the Ophidian Empire to send us an emissary, so we may discuss the troubles that plague us and engage in a discussion on the developments of a renewed relationship according to the expectations of both our nation-states.

I am,
Regent Elene Arcan-Tetzauh

Composed at my desk on Falsday, the 17th of Slyphian, in the year 5 AC.

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