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Public News Post #7357


Written by: Esrytesh dur Naya
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2024
Addressed to: Knight-Artillerist Xavin Taziyah, aal-Ra'avi

Not very many years ago, there was a beloved priestess of Chakrasul, a vampire who sought me out specifically for a cure to her state. Her name was Rijetta Alhazrad. Her way of service to the Bitch of Despair had shifted, and she was seeking another path to resolve her rather complicated attachment to it.

Despite knowing where she planned to go, and what she planned to do with herself, I happily ushered her back into the Cycle. I celebrated that she would once again draw breath, and feel the love of Dia'ruis, if only for a moment. That day, we welcomed new life kindled within, rejecting form and fear and Corruption itself to hear once more the rhythm of creation echo within her beating heart.

She wasted no time plunging into the other side, becoming undying, and one of your own Seraphs. Were you so outraged for us, then, as you are now?

It was no less meaningful then, and it is no less meaningful now. Despite the turn from vampire to Akkari, despite the turn from Akkari to vampire, I would do it all again in a heartbeat. This is the meaning of Her Hope - that one day, it may stick, and none shall feel the need to succumb to Desperation to merely exist in a world that asks that you only be yourself.

Any who call themselves Duirani would willingly die in order to usher one into a return to the Cycle. Your blade does not make us tremble, and your fires will suffocate in our hungry bellies.

To any who resonate with my words, and are stirred to action: Duiran stands ready to welcome you, and so does She. She is eternal twilight as much as She is eternal dawn, reflecting a day that perpetually turns, seasons that perpetually shift, and a life that is meant to undergo perpetual transformation. She grants us the strength to uphold Her design, to embrace death as the doorway to renewal, and to see the beauty in every ending as the promise of new beginning.

Surrender your fears, for there is no need of them. She loves you all the same.

- Watcher of the Old World

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 13th of Ivolnos, in the year 5 AC.

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