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Public News Post #7134

The world's tears

Written by: Boube
Date: Friday, December 22nd, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello! Hi! Hello! Hi hi! It's me, Boube. The kobold! Hi! It's Boube! Hello!

The world is crying. I don't like that and lots of people don't like that - not because it's raining, I like the rain except when it gets in my eye then it hurts and I don't like that, but I don't like the world being sad. I want the world to be happy. So what we did was we gathered up and started telling happy stories at North of Trees and then everything got a little bit better there and also people brought snacks and puppies and that was great. Then it stopped raining at North of Trees because the stories made that part of the world a little happier.

As a science doer, I believe that the world needs some more happy things to make it feel better. I think the world hears our thoughts, because one time when I thought about how hungry I was, a friend gave me a snack. So the world hears our thoughts. So that means that if we think really happy things, the world will hear that. Part of what worked with the North of Trees storytelling was how many people were listening, and it is like when you yell hi, it's me, Boube! in a cave and then the cave goes "oube, oube, oube, oube" for like 20 seconds and it sounds funny. So what does this mean?

In order to fix the world and make it happy again and stop crying, we need everyone to THINK really happy thoughts. It's okay if they're not about puppies and snacks and things that make everyone happy, if you get really happy when someone stubs their toe, that counts too. It's about what makes YOU happy. So don't think you can't help. You CAN help and your happiness is just as good as anyone's happiness and it doesn't have to be real a big happiness it can be a little happiness and that works too. This part is real important! You just THINK about what makes you happy and then the world will soak it up like beards soak up soup!

Here are some things that make me happy, in case you need help THINKing of stuff:
- Snacks
- Scorpions
- Seeing the girl I like smile (don't make fun of me or I'll punch you)
- Laughing
- Presents
- Other people being happy
- Seeing flowers in the wild
- Remembering happy things
- Winning
- Making other people laugh
- Blankets (don't make fun of me or I'll punch you)
- Hugs if you don't smell really bad and if you aren't weird
- Adventures
- Giving presents

Okay that's just my list though your list might look like chasing Maeve's tail or tying a bell to Bulrok's tail or wearing a beard and pretending you're your brother or throwing acorns at people when they aren't looking and running away before you get caught but then you get caught anyway because you're giggling too much when you're hiding and that lets them find you but then they don't get mad at you because they think you're cute and then you bite them and run away again.

I forgot, I got distracted.


[Frantic, messy writing scrawls across the bottom of the post: WAIT I REMEMBERED! Everyone be sure to THINK happy thoughts to make the world feel better! That will help fix the world, I promise! As a sciencer I guarantee this will work! Love, Boube]

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 24th of Dharos, in the year 1 AC.

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