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Public News Post #6818

Proclamation of Blood

Written by: Devout Elene Arcan-Tetzauh
Date: Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone


Spare me your trite statements.

It was to you and to Linne that I first brought the possibility of exploring the similarities between shaderot and shadowrot, in hopes of formulating a defense against its corrosiveness. It was eventually the researchers of the Empire that got the job done, however. You likely thought that this research project was too minor to pay attention to, but then demanded information of it when it succeeded, showing Qelres Misi the door out of the Archivium when you realised it was not informatiion shared.

To use your words, Architect, this is all entirely 'your fault.'


I heard of your movements in injecting elds with syringes in your Spire dedicated to research.

I was then sent a message informing me that Spinesreach has observed the presence of Shadowbound eld.

I made my own observations. I made my own connections, and I arrived at the conclusion that it was a lie, and the infection of the pylons and their subsequent damages are all a direct connection to Spinesreach.

For your barefaced lies to me, and for your crimes of theft of over sixty million units of ylem energy from the Empire, you do not deserve any least bit of courtesy I have left.

Some will lie to you that the spill of sanguine will cleanse your sins. Let your cries be swept away by the torrent of blood that will soon exsanguinate from the North, but let me make it clear: the rage of Bloodloch's volcanic heart will not be easily soothed.

I am,
Tyrant Elene Arcan-Tetzauh

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 22nd of Severin, in the year 505 MA.

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