Aetolian Game News
Written by: Inkh, Director of Shadows
Date: Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone
I will be brief.
I'm sure no one cares, as you all seem very busy, but know this:
Spinesreach sees the current conflict over the Slave-powered construct guarding the gates to Sterion.
We, as a collective, emphasize that Outrage is not a luxury we can currently afford; and every drop of ire and bloodshed speeds up the known degredation of the Arch.
We will neither Aide nor Condemn Bloodloch at this time; we will stand vigil, and we will be the first to die when the Levy breaks. Priority, focus and pragmatism, we will champion these if we are the only mortals standing.
When there is a future assured in which anger means something, then we will get angry. But at this current moment, everything could end with our next breath, and so Spinesreach will spend each breath we have left watching, waiting, and ready.
You will be informed when we run out of time.
Despite hostilities, I still don't want any of you to die. It's hard to demand reparations from a void.
Inkh, Chair of Spinesreach.
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 25th of Slyphian, in the year 503 MA.