Aetolian Game News
Stating the obvious
Written by: Maestra Zaila Tenor
Date: Saturday, August 12th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone
Because I sincerely can't tell if you all actually think what you all
are saying is accurate, let me clarify some stuff for you.
Hope and action are not mutually exclusive. You can have hope and that
hope can do exactly what the Despair lovers out there say their despair
does: helps you see through the steaming piles of 'woe is me' and
motivates you to get off your victimized rear and better yourself.
Neither Hope nor Despair necessarily predicate action. The motivational
despair some of you are talking about is only useful once you have
mastered it. Despair in its own right is as useless as hope in its own
right. As some of you stated, yes, you can sit around hoping and
dreaming uselessly and do nothing with your hope; just as you can sit
around moaning, crippled by your despair.
The only thing that REALLY matters is YOU. For some people, despair is
the best motivator and for some people, hope is the best motivator.
However, ultimately it is on you to pull yourself out of whatever sorry
state you're in and better yourself. Self-reliance and self-improvement.
SELF driven accomplishments. I've seen a lot of bad things done in the
world because someone hoped for a better future and I've seen a lot of
good things done because someone's despair drove them to improve
themselves and the world around them.
I don't care what motivator you choose, I only care what you choose to
do with it.
Penned by my hand on Closday, the 14th of Slyphian, in the year 467 MA.