Aetolian Game News
Our Notification
Written by: Dhasan Elene Arcan, Scion of the Jade Flame
Date: Monday, December 22nd, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
The Divine Order of Chakrasul has been informed that followers of Dhar,
the Underking, Nemosyne, Danila and Rosalind, that they will cease their
rampant defilings in favor of only defiling as an organization to
re-erect shrines that have been taken down.
With this noted, all individuals who have defiled, or continue to defile
our shrines of Corruption will be met with our reciprocated forces.
To these individuals, I can only say that cowardice helps none. Face
what you've wrought, desist in your actions and we will leave you be.
Pull in assistance to protect you from your offenses to us, insist on
continuance, and you'll be seeing our faces as old friends for a good
part of your life, until you decide otherwise.
Therefore, I will state that all who get themselves involved in this
conflict, be it joining in the acts of defilement or defending those who
seek to hide from proper justice, will be bringing individual
consequences upon themselves.
You have been informed.
I am,
Elene Arcan.
Penned by my hand on the 11th of Severin, in the year 263 MA.