Aetolian Game News
All I think about
Written by: Wolf Knight, Lady Chirra Imperil
Date: Sunday, November 16th, 2003
Addressed to: Everyone
| All I Think About... |
All I think about is the future,
What will happen tomorrow,
Since the present,
Wields nothing but despair
I've no interest in living this life
I don't think I ever really did
So when I think about the next day
It's usually wondering in what new manner
That I'll die
Each day its different
One day I get hanged,
The next off an STD I caught off the streets,
Sometimes I'm mugged,
The knife still stuck in my chest
Sometimes it's just old age
And others, a cold frost slowly digs
Away at warm flesh, amputating with
Or I'll drop off a height
And impact on jagged, spear-like rocks
My body splitting, the impact noise
Like an egg, breaking
Sometimes I die like an animal,
My mind gone, vegittated
Or full of drugs,
As I spasm in the false
Ecstatic delight
I'm not strong, I never was
Though I think these thougths
You wouldn't know
The slight scowl hides it all
Even the tears
Behind veiled eyes
All I think about is the future,
What will happen tomorrow,
Since the present,
Wields nothing but despair
- Wolf Knight, Lady Chirra Imperil
Penned by my hand on the 18th of Midsummer, in the year 114 MA.