Aetolian Game News
My Heart
Written by: Lady Zephy Duses
Date: Monday, June 23rd, 2003
Addressed to: Countess Zoriah Voltaire
I can hear them, the war parties, the screams..
I can see them, the look of hatred..
I can feel it, the thumping of my heart..
But it's nothing with you...
I can't breathe, at the thought of you..
Your name on my lips as they charge and charge..
Holding me steady, Holding me true to myself..
It's your love that substains me, it's my heart you have.
All the long nights of waiting.
The quiet contemplation...
It is you that my mind fall to, over and over again..
It is you that I know I love, that I will leave..
I have known fear, I have known anger and hatred..
I know what it is to hold on to that one, and only
I want those things I see of others..
Enterity with you would not be long enough..
My tears fall.. at the gladness and joy
My tears the sadness of you gone..
If I could tell you how you filled that void in me.
That I could never do so again..
Fate brought us together, it is as it should be
I have opened my heart to you, it yours totally..
Noone shall hold it as you have..
To my dearest, to my love.....
I will scream to the world how I love you..
Just as I scream to the world against all..
Lady Zephy Duses*
Now I know what love is.....
Penned by my hand on the 25th of Haernos, in the year 102 MA.