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Poetry News Post #2022

a Poem

Written by: Xadlly
Date: Friday, August 30th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Bleed rainbows for me, Sapience,
let your colors spill like secrets
across the gray canvas of thought.
In the quiet moments between breaths,
where silence holds its breath,
I seek the vibrant truths
that linger just out of reach.

Let knowledge flow,
a river of hues,
painting the edges of my mind,
stretching beyond the limits
of black and white.
Guide me through the storms,
where shadows play tricks
and doubts weave webs.

With each drop,
a hint of red for passion,
a splash of blue for calm,
and a whisper of green
to remind me to grow.
Show me the beauty
in the chaos of life,
the way colors blend,
like laughter and tears,
creating a masterpiece
of our shared existence.

So bleed rainbows for me, Sapience,
and Ill catch the light,
hold it close,
transform it into hope,
as we walk this path together,
hand in hand,
painting our stories
on the walls of tomorrow.

Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 7th of Chakros, in the year 6 AC.

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