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Poetry News Post #1999

The story of the Mulberry Star

Written by: Listener Varshatesh Kuzirnai, Little Sister
Date: Saturday, June 29th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

This is the story of a star born of a woman named Mulberry.

She was no ordinary woman, if such thing as an ordinary woman truly exists.
Her spirit was as boundless as an astral horizon and her heart vast as the skies stretching multiple planes.

Among her many gifts was the ability to gaze upon every land with the care and wonder of a new lover
under her attention, everything flourished.

Fields grew bountiful, Prides grew strong, Weapons grew familiar and communities grew together

One evening, Mulberry lay beneath the stars, gaze settled upon an expanse of darkest Midnight where no star shone and she smiled in adoration, one hand lifting as though to brush her thumb against the lips of the night sky.

Midnight remained, but all the land across the world felt the change as the power of Mulberrya gaze fell upon it all at once, mirrored by the heavens.

Nobody knew the source of this wave of affection at first, but each time a star passed near the space she had touched with such devotion, the land buzzed with anticipation.

Finally, the heavens made note of the changes below, searching for the cause until they found the berry-stain against the darkness and smiled. The expanse of darkness blushed under the gaze of all the heavens and a single star shone the colour of the stain, the lands beneath flourishing under its ruddy light.

It shines now each time the heavens recall the brush of fingers and when it grows dark, nightmares find those that would act against what is loved most in nature.

And that is how the Mulberry star was born.

- as told by Listener Varshatesh Kuzirnai at the Summit of Stars in Duiran

Penned by my hand on Closday, the 12th of Severin, in the year 5 AC.

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