Aetolian Game News
Catherine Rose
Written by: Singing Wyvern, Lady Roselynn Nethril, Wandering Star
Date: Sunday, May 4th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings to all, and most especially those that care enough to read
Sorry for taking up -everyones- time, but it's much simpler to make one
huge post than track down everyone wanting to know individually.
Mother and daughter are doing perfectly well.
On Saturday, May 3rd at 2:10 pm, my daughter Catherine Rose was born
weighing 8 pounds, 7 ounces. A perfectly healthy baby girl.
Thursday I had an ultrasound that indicated fluid levels were low around
my daughter, and it was advised that labor be induced ASAP. Two rounds
of -one- kind of labor inducing drug, and then one round of another,
brought my daughter into this world. Along with the help of an Epidural,
I felt no pain (I actually felt... nothing all through delivery...), and
no 'damage' was done to myself, or my daughter.
For those of you who want pictures, as I'm sure some of you will, those
who I'll send pictures to should already have my AIM, MSN, and or YIM.
Roselynn/Amanda Grace
Penned by my hand on the 6th of Lanosian, in the year 244 MA.