Aetolian Game News
University studies and essays
Written by: Aegis and Heart of Valor, Lady Ecikoria McCloud, Lady of Pages
Date: Thursday, March 13th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
Hi everyone.
I'm using this board to ask for some help with gathering material for my
language study. I am writing an essay on politeness in language,
specifically angled towards this MUD.
What I would like is some information about rules of decorum in the
different guilds/houses. What tone of language is used towards enemies,
allies, guild/housemembers? Does rank, status, age matter when you
address people? If you can give examples of good/bad behavior according
to your organization's rules of decorum it would mean a lot, since I
don't catch all these things myself.
This study is worth about half the semester's points and will, when
finished and graded, be published within my own University and perhaps
even used in future studies on the subject. All names of those
participating in my study will be anonymous and all names will be
replaced with fictitious names. Of course this is completely OOC, so
none of it will be used by characters in the game.
I also gather excerpts of how people correct their misspellings,
speaking on wrong channels and how others react to these things (if they
ignore it, or make remarks) If you have anything of this or find other
interesting passages in communication that you personally think handle
politeness (or lack thereof), don't hesitate to send it to me. I'll work
through everything I get.
If you have any questions you can send an OOC message to Ecikoria. If
you have logs or anything that might be valuable for this study, please
send this to
I am grateful for all help I receive.
Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Midsummer, in the year 240 MA.