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Meets News Post #318

Buffalo this summer

Written by: Weaver of Rhyme, Brother Kedrik, Student of Brunhild
Date: Monday, April 19th, 2004
Addressed to: Everyone

I don't recall the content of my last post about Buffalo and I'm too
lazy to go back and read it, but I'll just forge ahead with this one.
I'll be going back to Buffalo this fall at the latest to go back to
school at UB. However, I'm hoping to move back this summer if at all
possible, ASAP after school gets out here. Now, I'd been planning on
staying at the youth hostel near Shea's, but it occurred to me just now
to ask if someone in the area has a little bit of room to spare and
would like to put me up. I'm very tidy and easy to live with, and I can
help cook and clean and I know a great place for good, cheap food if you
like Eastern food.
Instead of rambling on more about what a great roommate I'd be, how
about just send me a message if you think it's at all a possibility, and
we can discuss it further one on one.


Penned by my hand on the 18th of Haernos, in the year 126 MA.

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