Aetolian Game News
My return (Sorry to those who don't like the sound of that)
Written by: Matriarch Valkyrie, Shyann Storm-Duses
Date: Wednesday, February 4th, 2004
Addressed to: Everyone
Well hello all of you studly and sexy Aetolians. My disappearance
is finally over with, amazingly enough. I thought I would get
reacquainted on this here board since I reckon I don't have a clue
who alot of you people are.
(By the way, that post before mine made me laugh and I fell out
of my chair, but dun tell no one.....)
I'm Shyann Storm as you Aetolians can see, and the critter behind
the char is Amberlynn, my parents were hippies or rednecks, I can't
figure it out myself.
I live in Cali now, which is a biggggg move from when I lived in FL.
I'm going to be living here for the next year or so, up in Fresno,
so if anyone lives around here... let me know? I dont know anyone
around here... and it gets kinda boring sometimes.
Hmmm... well I know you don't want my life story, but on the other
hand if you do, email me at
I would really like to request that everyone who dislikes me still,
which I can't understand why you do, to email me rl so we can talk.
Seriously -if- after 50 ic yrs of being dormant I'm still known
for my slight attitude, then I would like a chance to talk and get
things settled. As its kinda hard to start your life all over again
and I really don't want ghosts from the past haunting me.
Well thats about that, its good to be back and I hope to talk with
ya all soon!
The uber-sexy (conceited? Nahhhhhhhh) Shyann Storm
The sweet (way to shy for her own good) Amberlynn
Penned by my hand on the 14th of Haernos, in the year 120 MA.