Aetolian Game News
ME! And Daelar! And some others.......
Written by: Firestorm Flirting Magus, Isabel Ohmsford
Date: Saturday, July 27th, 2002
Addressed to: Everyone
I'm a little brat from Wollongong, Australia. It's kinda near Sydney for
all you ignorants out there 😉 I go to school with Daelar and Malhavoc
and Pete and Lamian, I used to live near Brin and Brooke and Silk and
some others I can't remember right now (sorry!) way up north, though
Brin's down here kinda near me now! Muahaha! Anyway, is there anyone
else around here generally? I go in to Canberra fairly often, and
anywhere within a few hours is generally close enough to organise some
sort of meet *grin* if you meet me, you prolly end up meeting half a
dozen others, too!
I know there's a fair few Australians out there too (Hellick, Legion,
Shayne) and far too many New Zealanders for this little girl who doesn't
like sheep that much (sorry Exy!) but I was thinking perhaps we (at
least we of the Eastern Coast) could arrange some sort of meet somewhere
central at the end of the year? Hey, maybe we could have some sort of
Aetolians only New Years thing *grin* It's just an idea! msg me if
you're interested, cos if we're gonna do something like this, I need a
lot of notice to save *grin* ask Daelar how bad I am at saving.
So anyway, let me know, I've babbled enough for now *mwah* love you all
Izbel/Maegy/Robin/Kara (*grin* take your pick, I answer them all these
PS. Yeah, i know three quarters of that made no sense......but :p i'm
just seeking attention
Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Lanosian, in the year 76 MA.