Limb Trauma

Hello folks,

I’ve made some changes in the background so that limb max health are now equal to your constitution x 1500. Previously it used to be your max health x 2. Using a bigger number to determine your limb max health, it should help keep trauma damage dealt to limbs from being rounded poorly (like seeing 4.99%).

For the most part, most abilities at this point use percentages in order to determine how much trauma they deal, so I don’t imagine any balancing problems from this change (aside from perhaps some missed skill that might still calculate trauma using an old method). If you see anything crazy, please let me know!

In addition, I’ve tweaked the following two skills so they can maintain some intentional effects:

– Mind Clamp now additionally reduces limb max health by 20%.
– Dwindle / Bedlam now additionally reduces limb max health by 50%.


Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 4th of Celes, in the year 6 AC.