Hobgobbler IX: Return of the Hobgobbler King
The annual invasion begins anew as hordes of hobgobblers once again rampage across Sapience!
Help cull the invasion of this fowl spawn, and you may find the hobgobblers will drop either stuffing or – more rarely – a drumstick when they die. Eat them to gain a temporary buff!
The stuffing will grant you double experience (stacking with other sources) for an hour, and the drumstick will set all your stats to 21 for the next five minutes.
Like last year, the fearsome hobgobbler king will appear once enough of his subjects have been culled for the dinner table! The king will manifest at the site of the most recent hobgobbler death, ready to enact his vengeance upon those who would feast upon his flock.
This year, the hobgobbler king drops a brand new hobgobbler king figurine, as well as last year’s hobgobbler minipet if you missed out then, alongside the usual bounty of stuffing and drumsticks to go around.
They won’t be around for long, so don’t miss out!
Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 21st of Sapiarch, in the year 8 AC.