First Duel of the Year!
Hello folks!
The first Duel of the year is now in motion for this weekend, and ready for you to raise yourself to new heights and obtain the title of Champion! Don’t miss out!
What is the Duel?
The Duel is a one on one double-elimination tournament hosted in Esterport, in which you can obtain prizes! See HELP THE DUEL for more details!
What are the prizes?
First place obtains 100 credits, fame, and the Rapier of the Master Duelist. A random participant will also receive a prize simply for participating!
What’s this about a figurine?
You heard well! This time around, the figurine is of the Alchemist class. Anyone who participates will get one!
When is it?
Check out EVENTS INFO 1020 for the exact time. Use CONFIG TIMEZONE to see it in your local time!
That’s all, see you there!
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 8th of Dharos, in the year 9 AC.