Classleads February 2025 – part 5

Hi folks,

The affliction audit does indeed continue, this time with salve afflictions. This reintroduces blindness and deafness as actual afflictions, something I know that has been a pet peeve of many for the longest time, changes up epteth/epseth a bit, and a variety of other things.

This’ll have some pretty hefty changes to various classes, so I’ll be keeping an eye on the changes and tweaking things until it feels just right.

That’s all for now!

– New Pill: Pluck.
* Gives you the ‘courage’ defence when consumed.

– Euphorant pill no longer cures ‘insomnia’.

– Kawhe pill now only gives ‘insomnia’ for 5 minutes.
* The Survival version continues to give it indefinitely.

– Removed Affliction: Burnt eyes.
* Effects from the affliction have been rolled into blindness.

– New Affliction: Feeble legs.
* Cured by applying epidermal to legs.
* Standing up now costs 0.6 balance to do so.

– New Affliction: Feeble arms.
* Cured by applying epidermal to arms.
* Lowers dexterity by 3.

– If both ‘feeble_arms’ and ‘feeble_legs’ are present, you will be considered prone.

– The ‘blindness’ defence is now instead an affliction.
– The ‘deafness’ defence is now instead an affliction.

– The ‘blindness’ and ‘deafness’ afflictions retain the usual effects of their counterparts.
– The ‘blindness’ affliction additionally gives you 0% base accuracy for 1 second, every 8 seconds.
– The ‘deafness’ affliction will improve the accuracy of attacks made upon you by 15%.

– In most cases going forward, ‘sensitivity’ will now occur after you have had ‘ringing_ears’ for a period of 4 seconds.
* For clarity, it works very similiar to the paresis/paralysis mechanics.

– The ‘sensitivity’ affliction now just grants the full 30% damage increase bonus.
– The ‘ringing_ears’ affliction now increases damage by 5% overall, instead of the old effect.

– Like above, ‘blurry_vision’ is now a transformation of ‘watery_eyes’ that occurs after 4 seconds.
* Most abilities that delivered ‘blurry_vision’, now cause ‘watery_eyes’, with exceptions below.

– The ‘blurry_vision’ affliction now applies a 40% miss chance, up from 30%.
– The new ‘watery_eyes’ affliction applies a 15% miss chance.

– The ‘torso_broken’ affliction now only increases bleeding by 20%.
– The ‘torso_mangled’ affliction now only increases bleeding by 80%.

– The ‘collapsed_lung’ affliction now only prevents the formation of the aura of rebounding.

– The ‘indifference’ affliction now prevents you from moving parry, and no longer makes you prone.

– The ‘shivering’ affliction no longer reduces your dexterity by 1.

– The ‘gloom’ affliction now strips ‘courage’ when applying epidermal to cure it.

– The ‘mindseye’ defence now provides a one time protection against blindness and deafness.

– New Venom: Araceae.
* It will strip the density defence.
– Reworked Venom: Epseth.
* Gives the ‘feeble_legs’ affliction instead of crippling legs.
– Reworked Venom: Epteth.
* Gives the ‘feeble_arms’ affliction instead of crippling arms.

– Prefarar now gives ‘ringing_ears’, instead of stripping ‘deafness’ into ‘sensitivity’.
– Oculus now gives ‘watery_eyes’, instead of stripping ‘blindness’ into ‘blurry_vision’.

– Epteth and Epseth can be applied to weapons once again.

– New Kaido Skill: Courage.
– Removed Kaido Skills: Sight, Blind, Deaf, Hearing.

– Mindseye tattoo now consumes 3 seconds of equilibrium on use.
– Allsight enchantment now consumes 3 seconds of equilibrium on use.

– You can no longer GOGGLE TOGGLE for ‘mindseye’ with the salvage goggles.
– The ‘antennae’ relic no longer lets you hear while deaf.
– The ‘blindsight’ artifact now lets you use WHO HERE and INFO HERE while blind.

– Mesmerize / Exhort now uses balance, instead of equilibrium.
– Mesmerize / Exhort now only transfixes the target if they don’t have the ‘courage’ defence.

– Spew / Attend now strips the ‘courage’ defence and gives ‘ringing_ears’.

– Arcanism Transfix / Esoterica Enthrall now only transfixes the target if they don’t have the ‘courage’ defence.

– Sorcery Transfix / Runecarving Transfix now only transfixes the target if they don’t have the ‘courage’ defence.
– Sciomancy Voidgaze / Malediction Mystify now requires your target to not have the ‘courage’ defence.
– Sciomancy Voidgaze Shadowprice / Malediction Mystify Spiritpack now strips ‘courage’.

– Spirituality Brilliance / Subjugation Horrification now strip the ‘courage’ defence.
– Spirituality Facesmash / Subjugation Facesmash now strip the ‘courage’ defence.
– Illumination / Tectonics Transfixion now only transfixes the target if they don’t have the ‘courage’ defence.
– Illumination Blindness / Tectonics Spray now only gives ‘blindness’.

– Necromancy Screech / Oneiromancy Bells is now prevented by the ‘courage’ defence, and strips it.

– Beastmastery Swipe now strips the ‘courage’ defence, instead of ‘density’.
– Beastmastery Roar is now blocked by the ‘courage’ defence.

– Ember arrows now strip the ‘courage’ defence, instead of ‘density’.

– Shapeshifting Swipe now strips the ‘courage’ defence, instead of ‘deafness’.
– Vocalizing effects that relied on ‘deafness’, now instead rely on ‘courage’.
* This includes things like Boneshaking, and that by default howls did not penetrate ‘deafness’ without it.

– Weaving Soundblast now causes ‘clumsiness’ instead of stripping ‘deafness’.
– Songcalling Unheard now relies on ‘ringing_ears’ or ‘sensitivity’ to be present, otherwise it has no effect.
– Songcalling Unheard no longer has an innate damage boost from ‘ringing_ears’.

– Tenacity Bash now gives ‘dizziness’ and ‘confusion’ if the target is prone.
– Fury Warcry now gives ‘deafness’ instead of stripping it.

– Primality Effusion / Alchemy Rousing now gives ‘ringing_ears’ and strips ‘courage’ by default.
– Primality Effusion / Alchemy Rousing if boosted, will give ‘sensitivity’ instead of ‘ringing_ears’, and stun the target.

– Elemancy Conflagrate / Humourism Disgorge now strips ‘courage’ instead of ‘deafness’.
– Elemancy Thunderclap / Humourism Stupor now gives ‘confusion’ if they don’t have the ‘courage’ defence.

– Domination Chimera Roar / Contracts Quetzal Croon will now strip ‘courage’ instead of ‘deafness’.
– Domination Chimera Roar / Contracts Quetzal Croon will stun the target if they don’t the ‘courage’ defence.

– Crystalism Striduation Tone now strips ‘courage’, then gives ‘ringing_ears’.
– Crystalism Striduation now relies on the target not having ‘courage’ to cause ‘disruption’.

– Battlefury Battlecry / Riving Anguish now needs ‘ringing_ears’ or ‘sensitivity’ to be successful.
– Bladefire Blastwave / Chirography Owinta (two-handed) now causes ‘ringing_ears’, replacing the ‘deafness’ strip.

– Removed the bonus damage from Woodlore Daunt / Artifice Accost if you don’t have ‘deafness’.

– New Ostension Power: Ontesme Occlusion.
* Fun fact: Ostension Ontesme Occlusion obstructs oleander.
– Removed ‘blurry_vision’ from Astranomia Superbolide.
– Astranomia Superbolide can now additionally cause ‘blindness’ and/or ‘deafness’.

– Dhuriv Blind / Shadowdancing Ploy now causes ‘blindness’ instead of ‘blurry_vision’.

– Ferality Faceslash now causes ‘blindness’ instead of ‘blurry_vision’.
– Ferality Facemaul now relies on ‘blindness’ instead of ‘blurry_vision’.

Penned by my hand on Falsday, the 11th of Chakros, in the year 10 AC.