Aetolian Game News
Changelog 395
Written by: Omei, the Nightmare
Date: Tuesday, January 14th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone
I took a bit of time to wander around each of the cities (including
Delos), mapping peoples' houses. The primary purpose of this was to make
sure we had a fancy schmancy [H] link on the map for each one (barring a
few problem houses), but as a nice side effect, you should have a mapped
house! Yay!
I'm aware that there are a few issues, namely the occasional lack of an
[H] link or, in Bloodloch's case, a couple of dangling houses. I'll be
working to fix those.
Please message me if your house's map has any issues!
Spinesreach, of note, had a pretty wonky layout with no room for
everything. Those of you with special fancy client mappers, take note:
the outer ward (region of Spines south/eastish of the Citadel proper) is
Additionally, the northern entrance to the palace in Enorian was a
little wonky so I changed its exit entirely.
Penned by my hand on an unknown date.