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Changelog News Post #2259

Beneath & Other Instance Updates

Written by: Watson
Date: Monday, December 4th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Hi folks!

We've got some changes below for the Beneath instance that we think will make it a more engaging and fun challenge. We've also got a few other instance-related updates at the bottom.

Overall, all of the mechanics for Beneath should now utilize the GMCP alert channel and have some sort of color to help differentiate it. If you find any we missed, as always please submit a bug!

- To encounter the fragments, you will now need to clear out some of the Ankyreans found on the uppermost level.
- The resistance of the fragments are now standardized, as previously physical-damage classes were impacted far more than magical ones.
- Some of the fragments' health has been increased by a small amount now that they take much more damage overall, and in some cases as much as 50% more.

- The amount of Ankyreans needed to get to the knight is now a few higher.
- The delay between the knight changing stances is now over a second longer. Previously, due to queue'd commands or latency you could rather easily die to these changes in his stance just out of sheer bad luck.
- A cooldown of 15 seconds has been added to the knight's invulnerability mechanic, starting from the time his invulnerability fades.
- The knight's health has been increased by a small amount due to more time available to damage him.

- A cooldown of 15 seconds has been added to the colossus' room-wide instakill mechanic, starting from the time the explosion happens.
- The colossus now has a 5% less chance to spawn statues when being hit. There was already a cooldown period on it happening back-to-back, but the amount of statues could easily become overwhelming.
- The colossus now has an 8% less chance to spawn groups of statues in other rooms throughout it area. Combo'd with the above, this should help alleviate additional monster bloat.
- The colossus' health has been increased by a small amount due to more time available to damage it.

- A cooldown of 15 seconds has been added to the Rajamala's invulnerability mechanic, starting from the time her invulnerability fades.
- The Rajamala's health has been increased by a small amount due to more time available to damage it.

- There is no longer a delay on slimes being eaten by the monstrosity should they make it to its room. Previously, they would wait around in room and had a fairly long period (8-15 seconds) to be dealt with, which is counter to the intended mechanic with the slime nests and the slow crawl the slimes make towards the center. As they heal the monstrosity, it would be wise to reconsider how to handle the nests and their spawn.
- The resistances of the monstrosity have been equalized, with no types having a negative modifier.

- You can now check speedruns for FLINTSTORY (the Flintmas version of Flintbeard).

- Following the Beneath changes, current speedruns for Beneath have been archived into season 1.

- Flintbeard's Lair current speedruns have also been archived into season 1 for it, since the times haven't reset following changes to certain PvE buffs such as chocolate that make current times far harder to achieve.

- You can check past archive season speedrun records by doing SPEEDRUNS <instance> SEASON 1.

Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 11th of Haernos, in the year 0 AC.

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